Our Services
Diversity & Motivational Speaker
From becoming the first black Senior Partner of a top one hundred firm in the UK to his years of dedication to philanthropic work, Trevor has delivered hundreds of Diversity & Motivational key note speeches and workshops across the country.
Under the U-Triumph brand, each speaker appearance by Trevor is unique, personable, and catered to the audience.
Media appearances
Trevor’s career within the legal sector has seen his involvement with several high profile cases fall under the media spotlight.
This has allowed him to go on to represent organisations on national television and publications, providing astute insight and conversation.
With this experience, Trevor now offers his services to support organisations in media matters and provide support to individuals in preparation for press exposure.
Mentorship & guidance
Working with organisations, U-Triumph offer Mentorship & Guidance leadership programmes in partnership with the Stephen James Partnership, to support leaders and young professionals to achieve their full potential.